Wednesday, April 16, 2008

A Few Suggested Titles For a 3rd Grade Boy Interested in African American Fiction

If you look in the FLP online catalog (the website/public one) and type in African American Fiction you’ll get a large list, but not too large that you can’t pick a few children’s titles out. PS: The last one on this list may be too old, content-wise, for the patron in question (a Third Grade boy).

My Father’s Dragon. Ruth Stiles Gannett.
A volume that's sure to be treasured for years to come, this 50th anniversary edition of a children's classic contains the three tales of "My Father's Dragon: Elmer and the Dragon, The Dragons of Blueland", and the title story.

Rescue on the Outer Banks. Candace Ransom
Sam Deal and his horse, Ginger, help an African-American lifesaving crew rescue shipwreck victims off the coast of North Carolina in 1896.

Junebug. Alice Mead.
An inquisitive young boy who lives with his mother and younger sister in a rough housing project in New Haven, Connecticut, approaches his tenth birthday with a mixture of anticipation and worry.

Hot City. Barbara Joose.
Mimi and her little brother Joe escape from home and the city's summer heat to read and dream about princesses and dinosaurs in the cool,…

Scorpions. Walter Dean Myers.
Reluctantly taking on the leadership of the Harlem gang, the Scorpions, Jamal finds that his enemies treat him with respect when he …

(sorry: no cover images on this one...kind of in a rush today. I'll come back and fill in later.)

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